Changing Careers: Education

When moving onto another career, knowing your transferable skills is essential, but so is continuing to feed your knowledge base. From books to webinar certifications, remote classes to trade schools, there are many accessible ways to beef up your brain for the new road ahead. Put your Google to work, and use a few of the following to inspire your search engine choices:

Member Base Many professional organizations offer certifications and classes through their membership-based portals online, such as this Association and Organization list (by profession.)

Subscription Base Pay-as-you-go with short-course options you can accrue over time with subscription sites like Udemy, Skillshare, The Great Courses Plus, and MasterClass.

College Courses & Certifications Many colleges have free and low-cost certification courses as well, such as those on portal locators like edX, Coursera, Class Central, and Open Culture. Also, check your library online for free certifications in web software like Microsoft Suite, QuickBooks and more, (such as the offerings from King County’s Library System provides)

Trade School Options Places like Ashworth focus on the practical skills of trades from Automotive, Carpentry, Electric, Plumbing, and more. Places like explains more of the ins and outs of vocational training, as well as a list of schools offering certifications in everything from Massage Therapy and Welding, to HVAC and Electronics.

As you take in your options, don’t forget to look into your local access points. Many educate-and-embed options have been established, in part due to the massive unemployment of COVID and the governmental support trickling down through the nonprofit networks in cities and towns all over the U.S. If you haven't already, open up a card with your local library. Their free online sources are a great help to the pocketbook for short certifications and a myriad of how-to learning options.

The resources are out there. Build a course selection of options and keep the education flowing and feeding. There are millions of ways to truly embrace being a student for life, and no reason in the world not to add to your skillset over time.


Changing Careers: New Job


Changing Careers: Interviews